Our Valley Our Vision

Our Valley


How Can I Get Involved?

Thank you for your interest! You are invited to learn about and evaluate several alternatives for
growth scenarios as we work toward a vision for our valley.
1. Listen to a presentation with project background and a summary of the scenarios here.


2. Click on the PDFs below to explore each scenario. (bottom of page)
 Scenario 1: Dispersed Trend
 Scenario 2: Regional Center
 Scenario 3: Two Downtowns
3. Take the survey here. Your feedback will help inform the long-term vision for our valley.



What is Our Valley Our Vision: Stronger Together?
It’s a once in-a-generation opportunity to explore growth-related issues and to think together
about our future. This is a public process that is open to everyone. It’s your voice and your

Over time, our valley is growing and changing. Just as we plan for the future of our families, we
can be proactive about the valley that we call home. Together we will identify and explore our
options, so we can understand the long-term consequences of the choices that we make today.
We’ll think about what we what to preserve and enhance and also about what we want to
change or add to our community. After considering our options together, we’ll choose the best
path forward for our valley—one that addresses the needs of residents today, but also one that
meets the needs of our children and grandchildren.

This is our valley and our vision. Together, we can ask and answer some questions: What sorts
of recreational opportunities do we imagine? What could our downtowns be like? What about
agriculture, roads, and housing? The big question is this: What legacy do we want to create for
future generations? That answer becomes our vision. Plan now to join the conversation. Afterall,
we’re stronger together.

Why Create a Vision? Why Is a Vision Important?
A vision identifies the long-term hopes of residents regarding the future of our valley. It also
becomes a guide for plans that follow, plans that respond to the vision by answering the follow-
up question: How do we get there together?

Who Is Working on this Effort?
The mayors of Centerfield and Gunnison are overseeing this process. A stakeholder committee
of citizens from both communities is a part of the effort and is encouraging all residents to be
involved. A consultant committed to listening and learning from our residents will help facilitate.
the process to ensure a fruitful community conversation and vision for our future.